BED: Notice of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation)
- Name of issuer: Danang Books and School Equipment JSC - Stock code: BED - Securities type: Common stock - Name of connected institution: The State Capital Investment Corporation - Name of connected person: Mr. Nguyen Van Can- Position in the listed company: Chair of the Board cum Manager- Number of shares held by connected institution before transaction: 1,115,280 shares - Number of shares to be disposed: 1,115,280 shares - Nature of transaction: sale through negotiation - Purpose of transaction: to withdraw state capital - Expected Start date of transaction: 25/04/2016 - Expected End date of transaction: 20/05/2016
> BED: Result of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation) (20/04/2016)
> Vietcombank to increase capital to US$178 trillion (16/04/2016)
> S12: Explanation for reason for the accumulated loss over charter capital and solutions to the delisting (12/04/2016)
> SHS: Result of bond issue (11/04/2016)
> KVC: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 and share issue to outstanding shareholders (11/04/2016)
> Transaction of over 10% of charter capital (08/04/2016)
> PIV: Result of the share issuance (07/04/2016)
> ALV: The report on the results of the share issuance to public (05/04/2016)
> TTB: Report on progress of using capital (05/04/2016)
> Change in charter capital (31/03/2016)