SVN: Information disclosure on share issue to employees
> PIV: The announcement on share issuance to the public (12/01/2016)
> PVI: Completing the transfer of the contributed capital (12/01/2016)
> TVC: Announcement on the result of share issuance to the public (11/01/2016)
> EBS: Board Resolution on capital contribution and appointing capital manager at HAEBCO (11/01/2016)
> GHC: : Establish the subcommittee belongs to Board of Directors and issue the governance rule of the Company (08/01/2016)
> HHG: Notice of record date for seasoned issue (07/01/2016)
> HHG: Announcement on share issuance to the public (06/01/2016)
> VGS: Notice on increasing contribution capital on Vietnam Germany Steel Joint Stock Company and dissolving Vietnam Germany Industrial Investment Joint Stock Company (05/01/2016)
> ONE: Notice of share issue to the public (05/01/2016)
> PIV: Board resolution on canceling the restriction on transfer for unsold shares from the share issuance (05/01/2016)