HQC: Information disclosure On September 26, 2015, Hoang Quan Consulting – Trading – Service Real Estate Corporation (HQC) and Eden Joint Stock Company officially signed “Business cooperation contract” for the housing project at Lot CT10, TT13, TT14 – 19 functional area – An Phu Tay commune, Binh Chanh Town, Hochiminh city – New South Urban City.
Total estimated investment capital costs about VND 2 trillion with total area of 75,386.4m2. HQC contributed 2/3 value of contribution capital for the first phase. At present, this project is completed its compensation, resettlement, backfilling and is approved the detailed construction plan with the ratio of 1/500 by the South Area Management Board.
According to the cooperation agreement, the project shall be transferred for the purpose of social housing with the scope of around 2,500 apartments in order to meet the housing demand for the subjects under social housing preferential policy in HochiminhCity.
This is the fifth social housing project of HQC. The project shall be built in Quarter 1/2016 and complete in Quarter 4/2017. HOSE