CTC: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (holding company)
CTC Gia Lai Joint Stock Company announced the company's Reviewed financial statement 2015 of holding company.
> CTC: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (04/09/2015)
> SSI: SSI approved to delay submission of financial statements (04/09/2015)
> DCL: Close the Branches in Vinh Long Province (04/09/2015)
> HSG: Establish new branches (04/09/2015)
> BTC: Notice of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (04/09/2015)
> KTT: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (Consolidated) (04/09/2015)
> KTT: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (holding company) (04/09/2015)
> VC9: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (04/09/2015)
> VC9: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (holding company) (04/09/2015)