WSS: Change in Management Board
Wall Street Securities Joint Stock Company announced change in Management Board as follows:
- Mr. Pham Duy has been appointed Deputy General Manager of the Company with effect since 21/08/2015.
> PHS: Appointment of Director (25/08/2015)
> CIG: Personnel change (25/08/2015)
> LBM: Resolution of the BOD (25/08/2015)
> VT8: Change in personnel (25/08/2015)
> STL: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (24/08/2015)
> VPBS: Appointment of a member of the BOD (24/08/2015)
> ITA: Resignation of a member of the BOD cum Deputy CEO (24/08/2015)
> Directorate Change (21/08/2015)