HOSE announces the record date to issue new shares to increase charter capital from owners’ equity of Nui Nho Stone Joint Stock Company as follows:
- Stock symbol: NNC
- Stock type: Common stock
- Par value: VND10,000
- Ex-right date: December
16, 2014
- Record date: December
18, 2014
- Purpose: to issue shares to increase charter capital from
owners’ equity.
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 4,384,087 shares
- Exercise ratio: 2:1
(each shareholder owning 02 shares will receive 01 new share)
- The number of additional shares will be rounded down. The
fractional shares (if any) will be cancelled.
For example:
Shareholder Nguyen Van A owns 983 shares, the calculation will be: (983*1/2) = 491.5
new shares. Therefore, shareholder A will receive 491 new shares and 0.5 share
will be cancelled.
- Place of implementation:
Shareholders whose shares have been
deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
Shareholders whose shares have not been
deposited: at Nui Nho Stone Joint Stock