1. Institutional investor: Hochiminh City Securities Corporation (HSC)
2. Name of shares/fund certificates/securities code owned: E1VFVN30
3. Quantity/ratio of shares/fund certificates held before trading: 966,130 fund certificates (4.78%)
4. Quantity of fund certificates purchase: 115,170 fund certificates
5. Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held after trading: 1,081,300 fund certificates (5.35%)
6. Date of trading on which ownership ratio is changed and [date of] becoming major shareholder/ no longer being a major shareholder: December 23, 2014 (*)
7. Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates being held by related person: 0
8. Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held by the same related person after trading: 1,081,300 fund certificates (5.35%)
(*)Total of fund certificates listed on December 23, 2014: 20,200,000 fund certificates