Report on Results of trading of shares of affiliated organization of Ma San Group Corporation as follows:
1. Organization conducting trading: Ma San Joint Stock Company
2. Name of key personnel of the organization listed (in a case where the person conducting trading are related persons):
2.1 Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang
- Current position in the organization listed: Chairman of the Board of Directors cum CEO
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel: 10 shares (0%)
2.2 Mr. Ho Hung Anh
- Current position in the organization listed: Member of the Board of Directors
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel: 15,768,269 shares (2.14%)
2.3 Ms. Nguyen Hoang Yen
- Current position in the organization listed: Member of the Board of Directors
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: Member of the Board of Directors
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel: 21,779,459 shares (2.96%)
2.4 Mr. Nguyen Thieu Nam
- Current position in the organization listed: Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy CEO
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy CEO
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel: 2,110,400 shares (0.29%)
3. Trading securities code: MSN
4. Quantity and ratio of shares owned before conducting trading: 250,421,247 shares (34.03%)
5. Quantity of shares registered for sale: 7,500,000 shares
6. Quantity of shares already traded (sale): 7,500,000 shares
7. Quantity and ratio of shares owned after conducting trading: 242,921,247 shares (33.01%)
8. Method of trading: put through
9. Period for conducting trading: from December 05, 2014 to December 23, 2014