DHP: Delay of advance dividend payment 2014 in cash
On 04/12/2014, Hai Phong Electrical
Mechanical Joint Stock Company announced the delay of advance dividend payment 2014
in cash as follows:
On 01/12/2014, Board of Directors of Hai
Phong Electrical Mechanical Joint Stock Company issued the Resolution No.
06/2014/DHP/NQ-HDQT on advance dividend payment 2014 in cash with exercise rate
of 5%/par value, equivalent to VND 500/share, the record date: 12/12/2014.
On 10/12/2014, Hai Phong Electrical
Mechanical Joint Stock Company sent Announcement No. 08/2014/DHP/TB-HDQT on the
record date of advance dividend payment 2014 in cash to Hanoi Stock Exchange,
Vietnam Securities Depository Center and on the Website of Hai Phong Electrical
Mechanical Joint Stock Company. Vietnam Securities Depository Center required
the Company to change the record date on 16/12/2014. On 03/12/2014, Hai Phong
Electrical Mechanical Joint Stock Company sent Announcement No.
09/2014/DHP/TB-HDQT to Vietnam Securities Depository Center on the change in
the record date of advance dividend payment on 16/12/2014.
On 14/12/2014, Vietnam Securities
Depository Center (VSD) send Official Document No. 9904/VSD-DK on requiring Hai
Phong Electrical Mechanical Joint Stock Company to “send General Mandate which approved the plan on dividend payment 2014
so that Vietnam Securities Depository gives the announcement on market”.
However, in Annual General Mandate 2014, Hai Phong Electrical Mechanical Joint
Stock Company did not issue the plan on dividend payment 2014, thus, the
advance dividend payment 2014 in cash could be not implemented.
Thus, the record date for advance dividend
payment was not implemented.
Board of Directors of Hai Phong Electrical
Mechanical Joint Stock Company would be submit the plan of dividend payment
2014 to next General Meeting of Shareholders for approval and announce the
record date of advance dividend payment 2014 in cash only after being approved
by General Meeting of Shareholders. HNX