SGC: Change in time for dividend payment
- Name of issuer: Sa Giang Import Export Corporation
- Stock code: SGC
- Dividend payment for 2014 (first round)
+ Old exercise date: 05/01/2015
+ New exercise date: 25/12/2014
- Reason: cash resource is available
> HMH: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (10/12/2014)
> D2D: The record date for the 2014 dividend payment (10/12/2014)
> TMT: Board resolution regarding 2nd dividend for 2014 (09/12/2014)
> TNG: Notice of record date for dividend payment by share and share issue to outstanding shareholders (09/12/2014)
> SDN: Notice of record date for dividend payment (09/12/2014)
> LCD: Notice of record date for Dividend payment (09/12/2014)
> HTC: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (09/12/2014)
> VTO: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2014 (08/12/2014)
> TLH: The BOD approves to pay 10% cash dividend for 2013 (08/12/2014)