DQC: Resolution on stock dividend payment
Dien Quang Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of the Board of Directors dated October 28, 2014:
> VNE: VNE completes the payment of bond principal & interest (30/10/2014)
> KAC: Khang An JSC to issue new shares to pay dividend and increase its capital (30/10/2014)
> VC5: Change in date of dividend payment (30/10/2014)
> VHC: Board Resolution on Dividend 2014 (30/10/2014)
> MCC: Notice of record date for Dividend payment (29/10/2014)
> TPP: Results of share issue to pay dividend (28/10/2014)
> PGD: The record date for the first dividend payment for 2014 (28/10/2014)
> TMC: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (27/10/2014)