VSI: Appointment of Branch Director
Water Supply Sewerage Construction and Investment JS Co announced new appointment as follows:
- Mr. Hoa Quang Van was appointed as Director of Water Supply Sewerage Construction and Investment JS Co Branch – Dak Mil Water Factory.
> ASIAGF: NAV from 04 Sep 2014 to 11 Sep 2014 (17/09/2014)
> TNA: Revenue & Profit in Aug 2014 (16/09/2014)
> PVT: Resolution of the AGM (16/09/2014)
> TTF: Explanation for business results in Q2.2014 (Parent company) (16/09/2014)
> TTF: Explanation for consolidated business results in Q2.2014 (16/09/2014)
> TST: Change in Business Registration Certificate (15/09/2014)
> FIT: Explanation for the difference in the profit after tax in Quarter II.2014 of Holding Company year on year (15/09/2014)
> S74: Explanation for difference of 10 percent in profit after tax in the financial statement QII.2014 (15/09/2014)
> SDY: Explanation for auditor's opinion in the semi-annual financial statement 2014 (15/09/2014)
> SDH: Reviewed financial statement 2014 (15/09/2014)