Tuesday, 01/07/2014 14:02

AVF: Board resolution

Anvifish Joint Stock Company announced the Board Resolution as follows:

1)     The BOD approved the resignation of member of the BOD as June 29, 2014:

-       Ms. Le Thi Le Thuy – member

-       Ms. Phung Hoang Tram Anh – member

-       Mr. Nguyen Quoc Tin – member

-       Mr. Daniel Yet – Deputy Chairman of the BOD

2)     Mr. Pham Sy Duoc replaced Mr. Truong Thanh Long as Head of the Supervisory Board.

3)     The BOD approved to elect 04 member of the BOD:

-       Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung – Member

-       Mr. Truong Thanh Long – Member

-       Mr. Truong Minh Giau – member

-       Mr. Luu Thuan Thao – Member

4)     The new BOD: 

-       Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung – Member

-       Mr. Truong Thanh Long – Member

-       Mr. Truong Minh Giau – member

-       Mr. Luu Thuan Thao – Member

-       Mr. Luu Bach Thao – Member

The BOD approved the resignation Mr. Luu Bach Thao as Chairman of the BOD and CEO as from June 29, 2014.

The BOD approved to elect Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung as Chairman of the BOD and Mr. Truong Thanh Long as CEO as from June 29, 2014.


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