Lu Gia Mechanical Electric Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of Annual General Meeting 2013 as follows:
Article 1: The Meeting approved the regulation on organization of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 201.
Article 2: The meeting approved the business results and profit distribution in 2013:
- The business results in 2013(audited):
- Total revenue: VND212,693,591,397
- Total expense: VND205,200,200,275
- Profit before tax: VND7,493,391,122
- Profit after tax: VND3,896,262,276
- Plan for distribution profit in 2013:
- Profit after tax: VND7,493,391,122
- Payable corporation income tax: VND3,597,128,846
- Profit after tax: VND3,896,262,276
- Remuneration for the BOD and BOS: VND0
- Investment & development fund (5%): VND194,813,114
- Bonus and welfare fund (10%): VND389,626,228
- Undistributed profit transfer to the next year: VND3,311,822,934
Article 3: The meeting approved the plan business for 2014:
- Total revenue: VND245,000,000,000
- Total expense: VND222,569,400,000
- Profit before tax: VND22,430,600,000
- Profit after tax: VND16,822,900,000
Article 4: The meeting approved the plan for distribution profit in 2014:
- Dividend payment and remuneration for the Board of Directors (BOD), the Board of Supervisors (BOS), bonus to the Management Board authorized the Board of Directors to decide in accordance with operation result of the company
- Investment & development fund: 5%
- Bonus and welfare fund: 10%
Article 5: The meeting approved to choose International Auditing and Financial Consulting Ltd. (IFC) as an independent auditing firm for Lu Gia Mechanical Electric Joint Stock Company in 2014.
Article 6: The meeting approved the result of voting on delisting shares.
Article 7: This resolution took effect as from signing date.