PVA: HNX Notice: Delisting of PVA
12/05/2014, HNX officially admitted the delisting of PVA:
Name of issuer: PetroVietnam Nghe An
Construction JSC
Stock code: PVA
Securities type: common stock
Reason for delisting on HNX: the Company has
announced operating losses for 03 consecutive years (2011- 2012 and 2013) and the
Auditor has given opinion on not approving Audited Financial Statement 2013 (holding
company and consolidated), under the delisting case according to Points d and
h, Item 1, Article 60, Decree 58/2012/NĐ-CP dated 20/7/2012 by the Government
Total delisted volume: 21,846,000 shares
Total delisted par value: VND218,460,000,000
Delisting date: 09/06/2014
Last trading day on HNX: 06/06/2014 HNX