PSG: HNX Notice: Delisting of PSG
09/05/2014, HNX officially admitted the delisting of PSG:
Name of issuer: Saigon Petroleum Construction
and Investment JSC
Stock code: PSG
Securities type: common stock
Reason for delisting on HNX: the Company has
announced operating losses for 03 consecutive years (2011- 2012 and 2013) and
accumulated losses have exceeded paid-up capital as of 31/12/2013 according to
audited financial statement 2013 and the Auditor has given opinion on not approving
Audited Financial Statement 2013 (holding company and consolidated), under the
delisting case according to Point h, Item 1, Article 60, Decree 58/2012/NĐ-CP
dated 20/7/2012 by the Government
Total delisted volume: 35,000,000 shares
Total delisted par value: VND350,000,000,000
Delisting date: 04/06/2014
Last trading day on HNX: 03/06/2014 HNX