NSI: Change of Chairman of the BOD
National Securities Incorporation announced the personnel change as follows:
- Ms. Bui Thi Viet Ha, CEO replaced Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh as Chairman of the BOD.- Effective date: May 15, 2014.
- Ms. Bui Thi Viet Ha, CEO replaced Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh as Chairman of the BOD.
- Effective date: May 15, 2014.
> NBB: The record date for the EGM (21/05/2014)
> DTA: Explanation for late information disclosure (21/05/2014)
> TNA: Trading result a tender offer of Nguyen Tran Thao Nguyen (21/05/2014)
> HSG: Board Resolution on Consulting Shareholders (21/05/2014)
> VNM: Information disclosure (21/05/2014)
> ITQ: Change in outstanding shares with voting rights (21/05/2014)
> DBC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 (21/05/2014)
> DVP: Board Resolution on 28 Apr. 2014 (20/05/2014)
> SCR: Board Resolution (20/05/2014)
> KSQ: Annual General Mandate 2014 (20/05/2014)