SDB: Requested for explanation by HNX
On 15/04/2014, HNX received Financial Statement FY 2013 of Song Da 207 JSC (Stock code: SDB). After reviewing, HNX sees that the Company has announced operating losses for 03 consecutive years (2011, 2012 and 2013)..
According to Point đ, Item 1, Article 60, Decree 58/2012/NĐ-CP dated 20/7/2012 by the Government, SDB stock is under the delisting case.
HNX requests the Company to explain the reason and give solution to overcome the current situation according to Item 2, Article 16 of Listing Regulation by 18/04/2014 at the latest; and explain the auditor's exception opinions in the Company's audited Financial Statement as regulated in Item 4, Article 10, Circular 52/2012/TT-BTC guiding the information disclosure on the securities market.
> DTA: Board Resolution (18/04/2014)
> FLC: Board Resolution (18/04/2014)
> TIX: Board Resolution on disinvestment in An Phu Paper JSC (18/04/2014)
> SD4: General Manadate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> SGH: Board Resolution (17/04/2014)
> SAF: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 (17/04/2014)
> BVS: General Mandate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> VMC: Annual General Mandate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> VE2: General Mandate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> VHL: Annual General Mandate (17/04/2014)