TIX: Board Resolution on disinvestment in An Phu Paper JSC
The BOD of Tan Binh Import – Export Joint Stock Corporation approved to withdraw capital or 330,050 shares from An Phu Paper JSC from April, 2014 to May, 2014.
> SD4: General Manadate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> SGH: Board Resolution (17/04/2014)
> SAF: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 (17/04/2014)
> BVS: General Mandate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> VMC: Annual General Mandate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> VE2: General Mandate 2014 (17/04/2014)
> VHL: Annual General Mandate (17/04/2014)
> SDY: Move stock status from \ (17/04/2014)
> LO5: Explanation for the difference in the figures in FS 2013 before and after being audited (17/04/2014)
> NDN: Board Resolution (17/04/2014)