DTA: Announcement of designating DTA
On April 03, 2014, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.392 /TB-SGDHCM to put the stock of De Tam Joint Stock Company (stock code: DTA) as a designated stock.
- Stock DTA of De Tam Joint Stock Company has been designated as of April 11, 2014 according to Decision No.136/QD-SGDHCM dated April 03, 2014 by the Hochiminh Stock Exchange. - Reason: In 2013, Profit after tax was –VND5.91 billion and undistributed profit after tax was –VND3.56 billion according to the 2013 financial statements after auditing. DETAM J.S.C violated Point 1.1b&c, Article 15 of the Listing Regulations on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange and Decision No.10/QD-SGDHCM dated January 13, 2014.
- Stock DTA of De Tam Joint Stock Company has been designated as of April 11, 2014 according to Decision No.136/QD-SGDHCM dated April 03, 2014 by the Hochiminh Stock Exchange.
- Reason: In 2013, Profit after tax was –VND5.91 billion and undistributed profit after tax was –VND3.56 billion according to the 2013 financial statements after auditing. DETAM J.S.C violated Point 1.1b&c, Article 15 of the Listing Regulations on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange and Decision No.10/QD-SGDHCM dated January 13, 2014.
> CMX: Decision on designating CMX (04/04/2014)
> CMX: Announcement of designating CMX (04/04/2014)
> HDO: Stock under alert (04/04/2014)
> MCG: Announcement of designating MCG (04/04/2014)
> MCG: Decision on designating MCG (04/04/2014)
> DTA: Decision on designating DTA (04/04/2014)
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