TTC: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders
1. Issuer: Thanh Thanh Joint Stock Company2. Stock code: TTC3. Stock type: common stock4. Par value: 10,0005. Record date: 25/03/20146. Ex-date: 21/03/20147. Reasons: * General Meeting of Shareholders: - Exercise rate: 01 share – 01 vote
> TPP: Notice of record date for AGM 2014 (18/03/2014)
> INC: Financial Statement FY 2013 (18/03/2014)
> VIP: The record date for the 2014 AGM (18/03/2014)
> LHG: The record date for the 2014 AGM (18/03/2014)
> VNG: Resolution of the AGM 2014 (18/03/2014)
> HSI: Resolution of the AGM 2014 (18/03/2014)
> OGC: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (18/03/2014)
> TIE: TIE announces type of financial statements in 2014 (18/03/2014)
> TRC: adjusts time to organize 2014 AGM (18/03/2014)
> TH1: Financial Statement FY 2013 (18/03/2014)