On February 19, 2014, HOSE announces the record date for the 2014 annual shareholders’ meeting (AGM) of Ho Chi Minh City Metal Corporation:
Stock symbol: HMC
Ex-right date: March
03, 2014
Record date: March
05, 2014
Purpose: for the 2014 annual shareholders’ meeting
Exercise ratio: 1:1
(01 share – 01 vote)
Meeting date: Expected
8:00am, March 29, 2014
Meeting venue: Victory
Hotel, Vo Van Tan Street, District 3, HCM City
Report on Business result in 2013 and business plan for 2014.
Report on activities of the Board
of Directors.
Report on activities of the Board of
- The audited financial statements.
- Approval for the 2013 profit distribution.
- Choosing an auditing firm.
Approval for remuneration of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors
- Electing another member to the Board of Directors
and another member to the Supervisory Board.
- Other relating issues.