Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation explained business result in Q4/2013 compared to Q4/2012 as follows:
Parent company financial statement:
Profit after tax in Q4/2013 was VND23,605,105,817
while it was –VND29,242,511,337 because:
Growth of revenue increased sharper than growth
of cost of goods sold.
Financial revenue increased significantly because
company transferred 20% of capital contribution in J&D Dai An Co., Ltd. in
Financial expenses, selling expenses, general and
admin expenses decreased compared to the same period of 2012.
Consolidated financial statement:
Profit after tax in Q4/2013 was VND20,044,315,111
while it was –VND31,912,622,923 because:
In Q4/2013, financial expenses in parent company
and subsidiaries decreased sharply while financial revenue increased by 76%
compared to the same period of 2012.
Company had a good control of general and admin
expenses when company implemented restructuring of
subsidiaries in DIC Group.