BST: Notice of record date for AGM 2014 and Second Dividend payment
1. Issuer: Binh Thuan Book and Equipment JSC2. Stock code: BST3. Stock type: Common stock4. Par value: 10,0005. Record date: 16/01/20146. Ex-date: 14/01/20147. Reasons: * General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 - Exercise rate: 1:1 (01 share - 01 voting right) - Place: Hall of Education Department, No. 10 Nguyen Tat Thanh St., Phan Thiet city * Dividend payment in cash: - Exercise rate: 9%/cổ phiếu (01 share receives VND900) - Place of payment: + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited. + For undeposited shares: Binh Thuan Book and Equipment JSC on working days from 12/2/2014 . Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addition to the mentioned above.
> HSG: 2013-2014 business plan (10/01/2014)
> HSI: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2013 (10/01/2014)
> TDH: Announcement of changes in business license (10/01/2014)
> VCF: Resolution of Annual General Meeting (10/01/2014)
> CNG: Change of Head Office Address (10/01/2014)
> HSG: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2014 (10/01/2014)
> SBA: Announcement of changes in business license (10/01/2014)
> AGM: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (10/01/2014)
> SED: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2013 (10/01/2014)
> BCC: Change in Business Registration Certificate (10/01/2014)