HSI: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2013
General Materials Biochemistry Fertilizer Joint Stock Company announces the resolution of the Board of Directors on the annual general meeting of shareholders 2013:
- Record date: January 27, 2014 - Meeting date: March 15, 2014 - Exercise ratio: 1:1 (01 share – 01 vote)
- Record date: January 27, 2014
- Meeting date: March 15, 2014
- Exercise ratio: 1:1 (01 share – 01 vote)
> TDH: Announcement of changes in business license (10/01/2014)
> VCF: Resolution of Annual General Meeting (10/01/2014)
> CNG: Change of Head Office Address (10/01/2014)
> HSG: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2014 (10/01/2014)
> SBA: Announcement of changes in business license (10/01/2014)
> AGM: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (10/01/2014)
> SED: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2013 (10/01/2014)
> BCC: Change in Business Registration Certificate (10/01/2014)
> HSG: Estimated consolidated business results in December and 3 months of FY 2013-2014 (09/01/2014)
> SNG: Explanation for difference between FS 2012 and audited FS 2012 (09/01/2014)