THG: The record date for consulting shareholders
On December 18, 2013, HOSE announces the record date to close the shareholder list of Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company:
- Stock symbol: THG - Ex-right date: December 26, 2013 - Record date: December 30, 2013 - Purpose: to consult shareholders about additional listing 2,000,000 shares on HOSE. - Exercise ratio: 1:1 (01 share – 01 vote) - Time of implementation: from January 02, 2014 to January 17, 2014 - Place of implementation: Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company - Tel: (84-73) 3872878 (102, 111) - Fax: (84-73) 3850597
- Stock symbol: THG
- Ex-right date: December 26, 2013
- Record date: December 30, 2013
- Purpose: to consult shareholders about additional listing 2,000,000 shares on HOSE.
- Exercise ratio: 1:1 (01 share – 01 vote)
- Time of implementation: from January 02, 2014 to January 17, 2014
- Place of implementation: Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company
- Tel: (84-73) 3872878 (102, 111)
- Fax: (84-73) 3850597
> FDG: Board Resolution – Dec 17 (19/12/2013)
> TDH: Report on the number of treasury shares (19/12/2013)
> TDH: Report on the number of outstanding voting shares (19/12/2013)
> ST8: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (19/12/2013)
> VNS: VNS approved to list additional shares (19/12/2013)
> PV2: Board Resolution (18/12/2013)
> TMC: Board Resolution (18/12/2013)
> TMC: Operating results in November 2013 (18/12/2013)
> S99: Board resolution (18/12/2013)
> BTP: Board Resolution (18/12/2013)