TAG: Report on the result of the private offering
> VNL: Announcement of tax settlement for 03 years (16/12/2013)
> SHB: Notice of record date for list of shareholders (16/12/2013)
> NIS: Notice of record date for a ballot (16/12/2013)
> FCM: Board Resolution (16/12/2013)
> FCN: Board Resolution (16/12/2013)
> SEC: Certificate for public share offering extended (16/12/2013)
> THG: Board Resolution (16/12/2013)
> DPM: Change of Chairman of the BOD (16/12/2013)
> NBB: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (16/12/2013)
> DZM: Explanation for loss in business performance in Quarter 3/2013 (16/12/2013)