API: API is no longer associated company of SD7
Asia - Pacific Investment JSC discloses the information as follows:- Rate of shareholding of Asia - Pacific Investment JSC in Song Da 7 JSC decreased from 20.06% to 11.09% on 27/12/2013. Thus, API is no longer associated company of SD7
> DIC: Information disclosure (30/12/2013)
> L10: Explanation for late information disclosure (30/12/2013)
> NHW: NHW withdraws shares from the left employees (30/12/2013)
> TTF: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/12/2013)
> VHG: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/12/2013)
> HAP: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/12/2013)
> GMD: Report on holdings movements by group of foreign investors (30/12/2013)
> S91: Notice of record date for list of shareholders (27/12/2013)
> DMC: Resolution of Shareholders’ Meeting (27/12/2013)
> TNC: Board Resolution _ Dec 18 (27/12/2013)