VQSC: Explanation for business result in the first 6 months of 2013
Viet Quoc Securites Corporation’s profit after tax in the first 6 months of 2013 was higher than in the same period of 2012 because of the fall off of revenue and expenses
- Total revenue decreased VND2,035,428,995 because financial services revenue, brokerage revenue, consulting revenue, other revenues decreased. - Securities operating costs decreased VND 1,980,656,813. - General and administrative expenses decreased dramatically VND 3,575,588,779. - Profit before tax increased VND 3,401,458,465 because the decrease in expenses was more than the decrease in revenue.
- Total revenue decreased VND2,035,428,995 because financial services revenue, brokerage revenue, consulting revenue, other revenues decreased.
- Securities operating costs decreased VND 1,980,656,813.
- General and administrative expenses decreased dramatically VND 3,575,588,779.
- Profit before tax increased VND 3,401,458,465 because the decrease in expenses was more than the decrease in revenue.
> MAFPF1: NAV from 24 Oct 2013 to 31 Oct 2013 (05/11/2013)
> VFMVF4: NAV from 24 Oct 2013 to 31 Oct 2013 (05/11/2013)
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> BBC: Explanation for business result in Q3/2013 (04/11/2013)
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> DHG: Announcement of changes in business license of a subsidiary (04/11/2013)
> UIC: Explanation for submitting the Q3.2013 financial statements late (04/11/2013)
> KAC: Explanation for business result in Q3, 2013 (04/11/2013)
> FDC: Explanation for business result in Q3. 2013(Parent company) (04/11/2013)
> BSI: Appointment of Branch Manager (01/11/2013)