HVG: Explanation for consolidated business result in Q3.2013
Hung Vuong Corporation explained the fluctuation in consolidated business result in Quarter 3/2013 decreased 74.1% compared to in Quarter 3/2012 as follows:
According to consolidated financial statements in Quarter 3/2013: In Quarter 3/2013, HVG’s ownership structure changed compared to the same period of last year: - HVG bought stocks of Tacn Viet Thang Join Stock Company (55.31%) - HVG sold stocks of Hung Vuong Long Co, Ltd. (31.67%) - HVG sold stocks of Hung Vuong Sa Dec Co, Ltd. (11.67%) In Quarter 3.2013, besides selling expenses increased 23%, profit from associated companies decreased 112%.
According to consolidated financial statements in Quarter 3/2013:
In Quarter 3/2013, HVG’s ownership structure changed compared to the same period of last year:
- HVG bought stocks of Tacn Viet Thang Join Stock Company (55.31%)
- HVG sold stocks of Hung Vuong Long Co, Ltd. (31.67%)
- HVG sold stocks of Hung Vuong Sa Dec Co, Ltd. (11.67%)
In Quarter 3.2013, besides selling expenses increased 23%, profit from associated companies decreased 112%.
> HVG: Explanation for business result of parent company in Q3.2013 (15/11/2013)
> HLA: Extension for submission of financial statements Q4.2013 (15/11/2013)
> SSI: Extension time of submitting consolidated financial statements of Quarter 3.2013 (15/11/2013)
> PAC: Explanation for consolidated business result in Q3/2013 (15/11/2013)
> VC9: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (15/11/2013)
> VFR: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (15/11/2013)
> DHT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (15/11/2013)
> HUT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (15/11/2013)
> HUT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (15/11/2013)
> VNF: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (consolidated) (15/11/2013)