Friday, 13/09/2013 15:56

STT: Explanation for business result in the 6 months of 2013

Saigontourist Transport Corporation has explained profit after tax Profit after tax in the first 06 months of 2013 was –VND1,806,913,600, increasing –VND1,204,323,464 compared to –VND602,590,136 of the first 06 months of 2012 as follows:


The first 06 months of 2013

The first 06 months of 2013


Net revenue




Profit before tax




Profit after tax




-         Net revenue in the first 06 months of 2013 was higher than the first 06 months of 2012 because:

+         Revenue from travel increased from VND8,062,022,998 to VND8,682,251,992

+         Revenue from training driving B2 increased from VND73,884,545 to VND1,901,170,364

+         Revenue from security services increased from VND3,049,412,379to VND3,528,982,195

-         Loss after tax in the first 06 months of 2013 was higher than  the first 06 months of 2012 because:

+         Profit from transport services in the first 06 months of 2013 decreased from VND2,306,217,287 to VND698,661,364 because operational capacity of the taxis was 87.07%. Besides, hack decreased and rents expense in 2013 increased 40%. Salary expense increased.

+         Other profit did not grants from 99C Pho Quang project (VND3,400,000,000).


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>   LAS: Explanation for difference in the financial statement in Quarter II.2013 before and after auditing (12/09/2013)

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