SHI: Board resolution
Son Ha International Corporation announced the resolution of the Board of Directors on the dividend payment of 2012 as follows:
- Payment rate: 3%/par value (VND300 for a share) - Record date: expected on November 18, 2013 - Time of payment: expected on December 18, 2013 - This resolution takes effect from September 24, 2013
- Payment rate: 3%/par value (VND300 for a share)
- Record date: expected on November 18, 2013
- Time of payment: expected on December 18, 2013
- This resolution takes effect from September 24, 2013
> VCS: Board Resolution on selection of share transferee (26/09/2013)
> HVG: HVG approved to list additional shares (26/09/2013)
> DXG: DXG approved to list additional shares (26/09/2013)
> VTL: Result of the ballot (26/09/2013)
> BHC: Change in the BOD (25/09/2013)
> NLG: Change of CEO (25/09/2013)
> BGM: Resolution on organizing the EGM 2013 (25/09/2013)
> PGD: The record date for consulting shareholders (25/09/2013)
> TRA: TRA approved to list additional shares (25/09/2013)
> VTL: Explanation for auditor's opinions in FS (First 06 months of 2013) (24/09/2013)