PGD: The record date for consulting shareholders
On September 24, 2013, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.841/2013/TB-SGDHCM on the record date for consulting shareholders of Petro Viet Nam Low Pressure GAS Distribution Joint Stock Company:
- Stock symbol: PGD - Stock type: Common stock - Par value: VND10,000 - Ex-right date: October 01, 2013 - Record date: October 03, 2013 - Purpose: to close the shareholders record list to consult shareholders in writing - Execution rate: 1 share - 1 voting right; - Meeting date & venue: will be noticed later - Contents: To consult shareholders in writing about adjusting of 2013 investment plan.
- Stock symbol: PGD
- Stock type: Common stock
- Par value: VND10,000
- Ex-right date: October 01, 2013
- Record date: October 03, 2013
- Purpose: to close the shareholders record list to consult shareholders in writing
- Execution rate: 1 share - 1 voting right;
- Meeting date & venue: will be noticed later
- Contents: To consult shareholders in writing about adjusting of 2013 investment plan.
> TRA: TRA approved to list additional shares (25/09/2013)
> VTL: Explanation for auditor's opinions in FS (First 06 months of 2013) (24/09/2013)
> VTV: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (24/09/2013)
> VMC: Audit notice in FS of first 06 months of 2013 (24/09/2013)
> CSC: Giải trình chênh lệch LNST bán niên năm 2013 so với cùng kỳ (24/09/2013)
> C92: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (24/09/2013)
> SCR: Notice of transaction ofconnected institution (Thien Son logistics and warehouse JSC) (24/09/2013)
> FDC: Announcement of the Result of Public Offering (24/09/2013)
> HTL: The record date for consulting shareholders (24/09/2013)
> NHW: Resolution on organizing the EGM 2013 (24/09/2013)