PPG: Reviewed financial statement 2013
Phu Phong Corporation announced the company's Reviewed financial statement of 2013.
> CLG: Explanation for the 6 months of 2013 profit before & after auditing (03/09/2013)
> VQSC: Notice of suspension of operations of a branch (03/09/2013)
> SD1: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (03/09/2013)
> S74: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (03/09/2013)
> SD7: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (03/09/2013)
> SD9: Reviewed financial statement 2013 (03/09/2013)
> GMD: Explanation for consolidated business result in Quarter 2.2013 (03/09/2013)
> KDH: Explanation for business result in 6 months of 2013 (03/09/2013)
> KDH: Explanation for the 6 months of 2013 profit before & after auditing (03/09/2013)
> LCG: Explanation for business result in 6 months of 2013 (after auditing) (03/09/2013)