MCG: Explanation for late information disclosure
On September 03, 2013, Vietnam Mechanization Electrification & Construction Joint Stock Company explained the late information disclosure on signing auditing contract due to misunderstanding in the information disclosure as regulated.
> NBB: Result of public offering (05/09/2013)
> TS4: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (05/09/2013)
> HAX: Explanation for late information disclosure (05/09/2013)
> HCM: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (05/09/2013)
> V21: General Mandate via a ballot (04/09/2013)
> VDL: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (04/09/2013)
> DIC: Resolution of the shareholders’ meeting (04/09/2013)
> VHG: Resolution of Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (04/09/2013)
> DHA: DHA signs Auditing Contract (04/09/2013)
> MCG: MCG signs Auditing Contract (04/09/2013)