HMH: Notice of record date for Dividend payment
> DHG: The record date for the first dividend advance of 2013 (08/08/2013)
> VAMC to buy VND10 trillion of bad debts in two months (08/08/2013)
> MCC: Notice of record date for dividend payment of 2012 and 2013 (07/08/2013)
> HUT: Notice of share issue result for dividend payment 2011 and dividend payment 2012 to outstanding shareholders (07/08/2013)
> HU1: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2012 (07/08/2013)
> Banks accept debt payment in stocks to ease bad debts (07/08/2013)
> GMC: The record date for the first dividend payment of 2013 (07/08/2013)
> FPT: The record date for the first dividend advance of 2013 (07/08/2013)
> TCO: The record date for the second dividend payment of 2012 (07/08/2013)
> KDC: The record date for the second dividend payment of 2012 (07/08/2013)