Thursday, 15/08/2013 14:45

HCM: Board Resolution Aug 12

Ho Chi Minh City Securities Corporation has announced the resolution on August 12, 2013 as follows:

1.       The Board of Directors approved to issue new shares to increase its charter capital in Quarter 3.2013.

2.       The Board of Directors approved  rate and time payment for the first of 2013 in cash:

-         Payment rate: 5% (vnd500/share)

-         Payment date:         + Record date: estimated August 28, 2013

+ Payment date: estimated September 12, 2013

3.       The Board of Directors approved to appoint members of the Board of Directors as the risk managing sub-board:

-         Mr. Do Hung Viet

-         Mr. Le Anh Minh

-         Mr. Pham Nghiem Xuan Bac

4.       The Board of Directors decided to appoint Mr. Le Cong Thien as Deputy CEO

5.       The Board of Directors decided to appoint Mr. Arnold Villanueva Pangilinan as Risk Managing Director.


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>   PIV: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2013 (15/08/2013)

>   PTI: Board Resolution (15/08/2013)

>   KHB: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (15/08/2013)

>   MIM: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (15/08/2013)

>   MCL: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (15/08/2013)

>   MAX: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (15/08/2013)

>   NVB: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (15/08/2013)

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