Thursday, 15/08/2013 11:34

PVD: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares

Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Service Corporation reported change in the number of outstanding voting shares which have been deposited at the Vietnam Securities Depository since August 13, 2013:

-         Stock code: PVD

-         Par value: VND10,000

-         Stock type: common stock

-         Total of number additional shares: 38,000,000 shares

-         Total par value of additional shares: VND380,000,000,000

-         Number of current shares: 248,508,215 shares

-         Total value of current shares: VND2,485,082,150,000

-         Number of outstanding voting shares at present: 248,159,735 shares (348,480 treasury shares).


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