QNC: Supplement of business lines
Supplement of business lines
(26/5/2013) Quang Ninh
Construction and Cement JSC announced the supplement in its business lines as
Supply of temporary labors
Supply and management of labor source
Lease of machines, equipments and other tangible
Lease of nonfinancial intangible assets
clasS�oo@K��e='margin-left:.5in;text-align:justify;line-height:150%'>- Doing
business in real estate, land license of owners, users or lenders
Preparation for surface
- Logistics
by land
- Logistics
by domestic sea
- Demolition
- Retail
selling of five metals, paint, glass, and other erection construction
equipments in stores
Other specialized construction activities
Erection of electricity equipment
- Charter
capital: VND7 billion
- Shareholder
structure: Quang Ninh Construction and Cement JSC contributes from 51% of
charter capital, the remaining capital is mobilized from employees,
shareholders and internal and external individuals.
- Authorize
Mr. Pham Van Dien – member of BoDs, Vice General Director – to represent
the contributed capital of Quang Ninh Construction and Cement JSC in Uong
Bi construction investment JSC.