Thursday, 18/07/2013 18:22

QNC: Supplement of business lines

QNC: Supplement of business lines


(26/5/2013) Quang Ninh Construction and Cement JSC announced the supplement in its business lines as follows:

-       Supply of temporary labors

-       Supply and management of labor source

-       Lease of machines, equipments and other tangible tools

-       Lease of nonfinancial intangible assets




clasS� oo@K��e='margin-left:.5in;text-align:justify;line-height:150%'>- Doing business in real estate, land license of owners, users or lenders

- Preparation for surface

- Logistics by land

- Logistics by domestic sea

- Demolition

- Retail selling of five metals, paint, glass, and other erection construction equipments in stores

- Other specialized construction activities

- Erection of electricity equipment

  1. Charter capital: VND7 billion
  2. Shareholder structure: Quang Ninh Construction and Cement JSC contributes from 51% of charter capital, the remaining capital is mobilized from employees, shareholders and internal and external individuals.
  3. Authorize Mr. Pham Van Dien – member of BoDs, Vice General Director – to represent the contributed capital of Quang Ninh Construction and Cement JSC in Uong Bi construction investment JSC.


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