QHD: Annual Shareholders’ meeting 2013
(25/03/2013) Viet - Duc Welding Electrode JSC hold shareholders’ meeting on 23/03/2013 , getting approval on the reports of Business result in 2012, Business Plan in 2013 and profit distribution plan.
> QHD: Board Resolution 2013 (16/07/2013)
> STG: The record date for consulting shareholders (16/07/2013)
> VIC: The record date for consulting shareholders (16/07/2013)
> VC5: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2013 (16/07/2013)
> SDT: Signing contract with auditor (16/07/2013)
> POT: Explanation for audit opinion in the FS year 2012 (16/07/2013)
> PHH: Explanation for audit opinion in the FS year 2012 (16/07/2013)
> PMS: Board Resolution 2013 (16/07/2013)
> PVA: Result of 1st annual shareholders’ meeting year 2013 (16/07/2013)
> DHG: DHG Pharma earns US$6Mln from brand transfer (16/07/2013)