L14: Deputy General Manager changed
Licogi 14 JSC announces changes in DGM as follows:
Mr. Ha Minh Tien has been appointed Deputy General Manager with effect since 16/07/2013
> WSS: Nghị quyết ĐHĐCĐ thường niên 2013 (19/07/2013)
> KSD: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (19/07/2013)
> DIG: DIG signs Auditing Contract (19/07/2013)
> TCO: TCO signs Auditing Contract (19/07/2013)
> VIC: Setting up a subsidiary (19/07/2013)
> SRC: Correction to the Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (19/07/2013)
> BGM: Bac Giang Exploitable issues 2.4Mln shares through private placement (19/07/2013)
> HQC: Result of share private placement (19/07/2013)
> CJC: Board Resolution 2013 (19/07/2013)
> SJ1: Board Resolution (19/07/2013)