VinaSugarII: Auction result
Auction result of Vina Sugar II Corporation (VINASUGAR II) as follows:
> Caric: Information on auction registration (05/03/2013)
> Vinasugar II: Information on auction registration (01/03/2013)
> DongThap Tourist JSC: Notice of canceling auction (25/02/2013)
> Navetco: Auction Result (01/02/2013)
> CARIC: Notice of Auction (30/01/2013)
> Saigon VRG: Notice of canceling auction (30/01/2013)
> Tracodi: Auction Result (29/01/2013)
> Navetco: Information on Auction Registration (28/01/2013)
> VinaSugarII: Notice of Auction (24/01/2013)
> DongThap Tourist JSC: NOTICE OF AUCTION (22/01/2013)