STG: Resolution of the 2012 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
South Logistics Joint Stock Company (Sotrans) announced the resolution of the 2012 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, which was organized on August 30, 2012, as follows:
- The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the adjustment to Article 21 in the Articles of Association. - The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved to appoint Mr. Tran Quyet Thang to replace Mr. Khuat Tung Phong as a member of the Board of Directors in term 2012-2016. - The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved to elect an additional member to the Board of Directors in term 2012-2016 increasing the total number of members in term 2012-2016 to six. According to the election result, Mr. Le Viet Thanh was elected to the Board of Directors.
- The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the adjustment to Article 21 in the Articles of Association.
- The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved to appoint Mr. Tran Quyet Thang to replace Mr. Khuat Tung Phong as a member of the Board of Directors in term 2012-2016.
- The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved to elect an additional member to the Board of Directors in term 2012-2016 increasing the total number of members in term 2012-2016 to six. According to the election result, Mr. Le Viet Thanh was elected to the Board of Directors.
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> EOD Results of HNX 30 Index on 04/09/2012 (04/09/2012)
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