DSN: DSN chooses the auditing company in 2012
Dam Sen Water Park Corporation (stock code: DSN) chose DFK Vietnhat Auditing Company (DFK) to audit DSN’s financial statements in year 2012.
> DNSE: DNSE discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (04/09/2012)
> VPC: Explanation for the late in submit of FS QII.2012 (04/09/2012)
> SEB: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (04/09/2012)
> CVN: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (04/09/2012)
> NHC: Board Resolution (04/09/2012)
> VIT: Board Resolution (31/08/2012)
> DLV: Notice of record date for a ballot (31/08/2012)
> AGF: Agifish sets up a subsidiary (31/08/2012)
> BMC: Information on business activities (31/08/2012)
> SAV: Board Resolution No.12 on Asset Repurchasing (31/08/2012)