HRS: A transaction changing over 10% ownership ratio on charter capital
Horizon Securities Corporation (HRS) has announced a transaction changing over 10% ownership ratio in a private placement to increase charter capital from 60 billion dongs to 75.54 billion dongs as follows:
- Seller: Horizon Securities Corporation (HRS)- Buyers:
- Seller: Horizon Securities Corporation (HRS)
- Buyers:
Names Bought volume Ratio of bought volume / charter capital Mr. Doan Manh Kham 1,400,000 18.53% - Effective date: September 21, 2012
Bought volume
Ratio of bought volume / charter capital
Mr. Doan Manh Kham
- Effective date: September 21, 2012
> HVG: Report on issue of bonus shares (25/09/2012)
> SDT: Result of transaction of connected institution (MB capital 1 Fund) (24/09/2012)
> GIL: Report on an ESOP (24/09/2012)
> GIL: Report on an ESOP (20/09/2012)
> PVC: Notice of record date for seasoned issue (20/09/2012)
> EIB: Eximbank raises capital in subsidiary Eximbank AMC (19/09/2012)
> NKG: Resolution on additional issue (19/09/2012)
> SHP: Results of seasoned issue (18/09/2012)
> HHS: Increasing charter capital (18/09/2012)
> NHS: Receiving a certificate for an additional issuance of stock (17/09/2012)