VCM: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012
On 04/07/2012, Vinaconex Trading and Manpower JSC (stock code: VCM) announced the Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 as follows:
- Auditor for the company for fiscal year 2012: Deloitte Vietnam Company Limited
> Từ 06/08/2012, HNX triển khai đấu thầu điện tử (03/08/2012)
> SHP: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (02/08/2012)
> NOS: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (02/08/2012)
> BTS: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (02/08/2012)
> NNT: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (02/08/2012)
> DNF: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (02/08/2012)
> HTP: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (02/08/2012)
> HNX notice: HPC removed out of supervision (02/08/2012)
> EOD Results of HNX 30 Index on 01/08/2012 (02/08/2012)
> EOD Results of HNX 30 Index on 02/08/2012 (02/08/2012)