EOD Results of HNX 30 Index on 03/08/2012
See the file attached for EOD results of HNX 30 Index on 03/08/2012.
> L62: 2012.08.03_Financial Statement Quarter 2_2012 (03/08/2012)
> MDC: 2012.08.03_Financial Statement Quarter 2_2012 (03/08/2012)
> VSC: Disclosure extraordinary information (03/08/2012)
> BMSC: BMSC Reports corporate governance for the first 6 months and Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VTSS: VTSS discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VNSC: VNSC discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VSEC: VSEC discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VNDS: VNDS Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VFS: VFS Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VCBS: VCBS reports corporate governance for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)