VSC: Disclosure extraordinary information
Vietnam Container Shipping Joint Stock Company announced extraordinary information as follows:
According to Lao Dong newspaper No.172/2012, Thursday July 26, 2012, Ms. Loan - Former Chief Accountant of Vinalines was prosecuted. She represented 0.32% stake of VSC in Vinalines and Chief Supervisor of Vietnam Container Shipping Joint Stock Company.
> BMSC: BMSC Reports corporate governance for the first 6 months and Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VTSS: VTSS discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VNSC: VNSC discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VSEC: VSEC discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VNDS: VNDS Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VFS: VFS Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> VCBS: VCBS reports corporate governance for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)
> KEVS: KEVS Reports corporate governance for the first 6 months and Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months. (03/08/2012)
> HAT: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (03/08/2012)
> NVS: NVS Discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months (03/08/2012)