TIE: The BOD’s resolution of consulting shareholders
Telecommunications Industry Electronics Joint Stock Company has announced the BOD’s resolution of consulting shareholders in writing about additional functions, date June 27, 2012 as follows:
Article 1: Approving to consult shareholders in writing about additional functions:- Additional functions: + Wholesale equipment and other machinery parts+ Repairing of computers and peripherals+ Repairing of device contact+ Repairing of audiovisual equipment, electronic appliances+ Repairing of equipment and household appliances+ Warehousing and storage of goodsArticle 2: Authorizing the BOD to implement Article 3: The resolution is valid as from June 27, 2012.
Article 1: Approving to consult shareholders in writing about additional functions:
- Additional functions:
+ Wholesale equipment and other machinery parts
+ Repairing of computers and peripherals
+ Repairing of device contact
+ Repairing of audiovisual equipment, electronic appliances
+ Repairing of equipment and household appliances
+ Warehousing and storage of goods
Article 2: Authorizing the BOD to implement
Article 3: The resolution is valid as from June 27, 2012.
> ELC: ELC chooses the auditing company in 2012 (02/07/2012)
> PPC: PPC chooses the auditing company in 2012 (02/07/2012)
> TJC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (02/07/2012)
> PHR: Resolution the Board of Directors No.3/2012 (02/07/2012)
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> CKV: Notice on holding a ballot (29/06/2012)
> CKV: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (29/06/2012)
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