Thursday, 26/07/2012 11:02

SRF: Resolution of BOD

Seaprodex Refrigeration Industry Corporation (SRF) announced the resolution of the Board of Directors with some main contents as follows:

Article 1: Approved the plan to buy back in 02 phases:

Phase 1: 

-         Volume registered to buy: 1,300,000 shares.

-         Estimated prices:  the market prices:

-         Trading method: order matching  and put through.

-         Capital: surplus capital.

-         Expected trading period: from August 06, 2012 to November 05, 2012.

-         Owning volume after trading: 2,007,140 shares (24.68% of total issued shares)

Phase: 2:  The company will offer to buy shares to increase its holding of treasury shares to 30%.

Article 2: This resolution takes effect from July 24, 2012.


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